a vessel to a fulfilling and enriching journey

a Vessel to a fulfilling and enriching journey

Becoming a Ulysses gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to gain autonomy, fulfillment and financial freedom and enables operators to achieve upward mobility through equal and affordable opportunity.

 Being a Ulysses is a commitment to a journey

While it is a fulfilling opportunity, it requires showing up for long hours, boldness to face challenges, curiosity to see opportunities where others see problems and grit to persist in the face of adversity. It is not for those seeking passive investment opportunities or shortcuts to success.

Minimum requirements

Ulysses is an opportunity for an enriching journey. Below you will find the requirements for prospective candidates. Meeting these minimum requirements does not mean you will be selected as a Ulysses as our selection process is competitive and there are no guarantees of selection.


To understand and improve your neighborhood


Day-to-day involvement in the operation of your vessel


A rightful legal entity, in good standing, valid in your selected geography


A deposit is required to gain access to a Vessel

Apply to join
our community

As Ulysses, your success is linked to your drive to gain autonomy, fulfillment and financial freedom. You will need to invest your time and resources into building your vessel; which is why we run a selective application review process that helps us make sure this is the right opportunity for you.

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