This tool is meant to help you make decisions that are best for you. REEF does not retain the data you input into this form.
Here is our estimate of the delivery sales to you neighbourhood a Vessel could generate on your property
This is the minimum value expected for the sustainability of the operations
This is the expected sales value calculated for your location based on its Geoscore
Our best Vessels sell over CA$1.5 million yearly. How much do you think your Vessel will generate?
Now tell us how much F&B demand you think can be generated by your guests.
What % of your guests do you think will place food orders on premise?
We suggest between CA$20-CA$30 depending on the profile of your guests
Daily estimated Vessel sales = Number of rooms * Guests per room * Occupancy rate * Guest conversion rate * Average Order Value
Average order value is net of any applicable taxes, discounts and refunds.
Based on your figures and our estimates here is how much total sales volume we expect the Vessel at your property to generate
First, let’s estimate the Rental Income you will earn based on the model you select
Simple, receive a fixed payment of CA$2,500
Yearly Income = Monthly Fee * 12
In the variable fee model your Rental Income is 5% of the Total Vessel Sales generate on your property.
Based on bottom 25% estimate
Based on base estimate
Based on top 25% estimate
Yearly Rental Income = 5% * Total Vessel Sales
Now, let’s see the Go-to-Market Channel income you will earn
Yearly Go-to-market Channel income = Yearly estimated Vessel net sales to your guests*(10% fee -transaction processing fees)
Transaction processing fees are estimated and likely to vary between 1% and 3%. Example above is based on a 3% transaction processing fee.
The figures presented here are estimates and do not represent a commitment of any type on behalf of REEF or it’s affiliates. Actual results may vary on a case by case basis.
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